Friday, February 27, 2009

how small we really


not just in our size....but in the whole scheme of things...

an image of a footprint dating 1.5 million years ago....was released february 26th 2009....

not only are we presented with 1.5 million year old footprints... the following is absolutely mind boggling....

incredibly fascinating... and overwhelming at the same time... i can't really wrap my brain around this one...

scientists...astronomers have provided us with a rare image of the "Eye of God".... this phenomenon occurs from the release of gases and dust...700 light years away.... " A light year is equal to exactly 9,460,730,472,580.8 km" almost 10 trillion kilometers.... so at 700 light years.... it would be 6,622,511,330,806,560. km....away...
over 6 quadrillion km

i don't think i've ever thought of things in trillions....billions maybe...but trillions and now quadrillions...!!!

i've always heard the term "light year" however i never really knew the distance or the measurement of a light year.... amazing.... now...i do..!!!

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