Monday, January 5, 2009

i wish...i wish...

it would snow..... i love the snow...the way it changes everything... a beautiful...snowfall... covering the ground with inches and inches of white... i know so many people cringe at the possibility of snow... but i love it...

this morning...mikeC called inviting me to breakfast.... without hesitation i accepted...quickly got my shit together and headed out the door... he was waiting for me at the red cup... a five or so minute drive south on western...

well on my way....i started having yet another conversation with the man upstairs.... talking out loud like some crazy woman...perhaps i am crazy...anyway...the conversation went something like this... i need a miracle..or a sign...or it's all on you... blah blah blah... well i decided i would stop in eddie's the VW mechanic's garage at 31st and western to check on Val's car for him... thinking to myself it should only take a sec...

the parking lot was jam packed with vehicles needing repair...two tow trucks loaded down with cars... i parked on the street just north of the building... went inside a small entry way with doors on either side... the smell of gasoline... and oil...immediately engulfed me... the small garage was lined with cars.. towards the back of the garage....two men were standing at a work counter looking at some automobile gadget...another rather handsome young man....lying on his back underneath a light blue early 70's VW bug....not moving an inch.... keeping his eyes on whatever he was working on.... politely asked if i needed help.... while explaining why i was there... a man charged through the door....yelling does anyone know CPR... a man has just collapsed in my shop.... immediately we all ran to the next room.... and there he laid... his mouth and nose foaming....his face turning blue... body twitching... there was nothing any of us could do... but comfort him... for a moment it was complete and total chaos... one man called 911... the woman on the other end...asked him the same questions over and over... it seemed like this man was going to die..right there.....we all kept shouting...just get the ambulance here... she continued to ask questions... the same stupid questions over and over.... within minutes....the rescue fireman arrived... then the EMT.... i stayed with the man... gently caressing his head... doing what i could to comfort him... all eyes...all attention on doug...

i was never asked to move...they let me stay next to him... holding his hand... they all worked around me......doug looked at me...with such fear in his eyes... softly whispering to him...they are taking care of're going to be okay... the fireman strapped him down..the EMT... restrain his hands... oxygen masked strapped to his face... needles in his arm...blood... i stayed with him... it was like he was trying to say me with his eyes..... eventually... doug was being rolled out of the garage to the ambulance...

i still had not found out anything about val's car so i went back next door....asked when it might be ready.....when a man came up to me... and said they want your name and address... he then hugged me... thanking me...... we just held each other...two complete strangers....hugging each other...

i have no idea why they wanted my name... i looked at the EMT woman... she looked at me... with such kindness... thanking me... i asked if he would be okay.... she said ...something...i can't remember... i then walked out of the building towards my car....head down...the air cold... doug on his way to the hospital... i couldn't help but cry...

today...i witnessed something... experienced something... miraculous.... i didn't know a single person in that room....not a name...never laid eyes on their faces...and together...we all helped save a mans life...

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